Feeding Fido: The Pros & Cons of a Raw Food Diet

It should come as no surprise that we at OR spoil our pets. There is always a supply of carrots in the fridge, bone marrow in the freezer (woof!), and even the barn cat gets a warm water bottle tucked into his infrared blankies on cold nights...

CBD: Fact or Fad?

If the abbreviation “CBD” has yet to become part of your daily vernacular, please allow us just a few minutes of your time. Living healthfully has developed into an uber trendy, holistic [and ‘grammable!] lifestyle in the last decade. Subsequently, countless numbers of potions that claim...

Stock It To Me

As two women with backgrounds in the fashion industry, we love a worthy trend (we’ve even been known to show up to a meeting clad in the same coveted shoes). And while we’re eager to hop on board the sartorial bandwagon this spring...

The Model Trainer Method: Their Story

Like many women, I struggled with my weight for years. To get fit, I tried various diets and exercise regimens, but nothing moved the needle very far—or for very long. Even as a journalist (I’ve written about health, beauty and food for magazines...

Before You Get Bent Out of Shape

Michele Leasure is a licensed orthopedic specialist in North Salem, NY, and owns a physical therapy practice with many of the equestrian industry’s top professionals as clients...

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