At-A-Glance: Hemp Bedding

If there is anything as rewarding as a neatly made bed, it's a clean stall. When it comes to bedding, anyone who has ever wielded a manure fork can provide an in-depth, semi-scientific analysis of the pros and cons of each type. There are infinite considerations...

All the Grooming Tips You’ll Ever Need (For Your Arena)

Caring for a stable full of horses is like caring for a stable full of 1200-pound toddlers. They eat frequently, they are messy, they break stuff, and if left to their own devices for any length of time, they will engage in accidental self-harm. Because horses themselves require so much care and attention, essential farm maintenance can often be relegated to the back burner for far too long...

Ask The Expert: Designing for the Equestrian Lifestyle

"When you live and work in the heart of horse country, the lifestyle itself is always in fashion, and is reflected even more so in our homes,” says Susan Victor, co-owner of Nandina Home & Design in Atlanta, GA, and Aiken, SC. The proliferation of snaffles, stirrups, and spurs...

We Tölt You: Icelandic Pony Rides for Grown-Ups

Last week, while one of us was scuffing the floor on a weekend trip to Nashville, the other was gearing up for a trek through Iceland’s rivers, highlands, and lava fields on the country’s world-famous gaited horses. We mentioned the trip a few weeks ago...

The Stock Industry: Bloopers

We pride ourselves on beautiful imagery at OR. Of course, we want our weekly dispatches to be thoughtful and entertaining, but we also work hard to include a bit of eye candy. We often use photos that we’ve taken ourselves, but for the occasions on which we don’t have an applicable...

2-on-1 with Jackie Crawford

Many of us would have a hard time recalling where we were or what we were doing on January 11 of this year. However, on this particular day in Chicago, competitive breakaway roper Jackie Crawford was busy participating in a monumental breakthrough...

Holiday Gifts for the Equestrian

We couldn't help ourselves. With a few fun finds that were too good not to share, we've compiled one last gift guide to assist those in a bind. Eleven days and counting...

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